Anger is a common thing in every human being. As humans we are easily propel to anger the moment our ego got hurt. It could be as a result of what we hear, see, feel, touch or perceive.

When we are angry many things usually goes wrong. It affects what we say, do or imagine. Even our mood is not spared as the looks on our face easily changed.

Anger is not avoidable. As human beings we are bound to be angry at anytime, place or occasion. It could occurs through what transpired between us and our immediate families, friends, colleagues, strangers or by our personal negligence.

One thing about anger is that if it is not properly handle it can lead to many damages. Out of angers couple had killed one another. Many properties worth of millions of dollars have been destroyed. Kingdoms and empires had collapsed. Even fame and glories has gone into extinction.

In fact the effects of anger is so disastrous that as human beings we are not supposed to imagine it less alone to get involved.

But be that as it may be, we can not but find a way to ameliorate it. Yes, even if it can not be eliminated it can be seriously controlled. It all depends on us as individuals.

Some studies have revealed that when we are angry the first best way to handle it is to be silence over what was responsible for the anger. There should be no spontaneous response to issue, like yelling, cursing or breaking things down.
Secondly we should not blame ourselves for not fighting back either by words or actions.

Thirdly, we should not judge ourselves to be right or wrong. Because what caused the anger may not be what we expected.

Fourth, we don't need to invite a third party immediately. Or if we do, we should try to explain our own side of the story as fair as possible.

Filth, never cry. Yes, we don't need to cry. Though when we cry we can feels some kind of relief but it must not lead to act of revenge.

And finally we should not hid ourselves away. If possible move away from that environment or take a walk. See things or go places that are lively and quickly engage ourselves.

Dave Digitals - Much more than printing.


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