BOOK WRITING - The first step

I have been asked several times if it is possible to write a book and get it publish easily. And my answer has always been 'yes, yes and yes'.

The reason is that I know that at Dave Digitals, we possess the technical-know-how of how to turn your dream of writing a book into reality.

It's not a big deal. Your first step is to have an idea of what you want to write. And there are different kind of books you can write. You may want to write a novel, fiction or nonfiction; it could be educational book, or book on religion teachings.

What is most important is putting your materials first.

Of course you may not know what comes after that. Or whether what you are writing about are perfectly in order. But that should not bother you.

At Dave Digitals we know the rules and how to apply them so that your dream becomes reality. The era of spending hours and days of writing a book are gradually becoming over especially with the new technology.

Right now there are so many apps and software that can easily assist your efforts without stress. The speech to text app is one of them. And secondly, you can also record your message and do transcription.

At Dave Digitals we have seasoned editors that can work with your thoughts. They know what you want to write but you don't know how to put it more succinctly and cohesively. They are on ground to assist you. They ensure that the cart will always comes before the horse

So the first step therefore, is to HAVE AN IDEA of what to write. An idea is within your everyday activities. What you see! What you hear! What you imagine! Or what you know! 

Once you are able to observe all of these things and put your thoughts together, your dream of writing a book is already made.

Dave Digitals  - Much more than printing experience.


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