The other day a young man brought out his Degree Certificate and publicly burnt it to ashes. His reason is because education in Nigeria today is a scam. He said it has been over eight years he graduated and yet he could not get a good job.

Of course many of us might also have such feelings too. Education in Nigeria seems to be in another level where graduates are over the place scaming to survive.
But however bad the situation is,  somebody called Oluwanishola Akeju says such view on Education is seriously wrong. Here is what he said based on his personal experience in Grace T Koko Facebook Page

"So year 2016 when I was seriously searching for a job, my neighbor then referred me to a small factory that makes pot. I had shared this with my daughter.

So, at the factory, they were in need of cleaners who would clean their product after production, bag it and then finally load inside the trucks.

I was desperately in need of money. So even as a graduate of Computer and Engineering, I had no choice than to take up the job.

I was told I would be paid 23k monthly. A Monday to Saturday job. Owned by a Ghanian that I never saw from my first day and not until after 4 months.

All he does was visit once in a while and then call his brother who was in charge and then everything was going fine.

Pot production is a product that has much demand, hence the production increased and there were rumors that they would recruit more workers.

So, finally the Ghanian man visited the factory which was my first time of seeing him. He was with us all day and in the evening, when we had cleaned the pots, bagged them, arranged and ready to load the trucks.

He came around checking the pots and pointed to few of the pots not properly tied.

So he asked, “how many do we have here, Count, count, count them”

As usually, one of us started counting. 

So where I was standing, I said, “250 set of pots sir”!  That was less than 30 seconds. 

He turned his face where he stood and asked “250”? 

I said “Yes sir, 250 set of pots” 

He asked how I was able to count in the shortest possible time. 

Other cleaners are not surprised as I have been doing that. So they were smiling. 

He asked, “What’s your name?”

I answered, “Akeju sir”

He asked me to come close. I did. He said he was interested to know how I was able to count them. 

I said, “ sir, it’s a rule of ‘row’ and ‘column”. Which I had already taught my colleagues to always arrange in the manner.”

He said fantastic. One of the cleaners said, Sir he is a graduate.

He asked what I studied and I said computer science

He told me to see him after loading the trucks. 

Because I was looking so dirty and in my cleaner wear, I cleaned up in order not to stain his office. 

I walked in and he said, “When you are coming tomorrow, bring your application letter for the post of a Supervisor” 

I didn’t even know what to say or do. Either to kneel or to prostrate. 

My cleaner colleagues were waiting outside to hear what he wanted to tell me. 

When I came out, they were all asking. I told them to wait till tomorrow as I don’t know yet.

That night was one of the longest night I have ever had. 

I got there the following day and tendered my application letter which he didn’t even checked. Poor me, that had written all the correct grammar with no mistake with fine handwriting. 

I was given an office, a laptop, a phone, a pickup vehicle for my personal movement, and a salary of 90k net.— This is what education can do!

From Akeju, my cleaner colleagues started calling me “Oga Akeju”
Pls, try all in your capacity to train your children. Let them know that education is the key to success. That It is the passport to the future. It is the leverage that makes one stand tall among peers. It makes one an opportunist In a tiniest chance. 

Though it may take long for opportunities to come but eventually, it will come and then it pays. That’s why I tell young people not to listen to anyone who says education is a scam.

If you have any who do not have interest or living the life that may mar his or her future, Pls don’t give up. You would be doing such child the greatest favour he or she can receive. 

I saw one of my cleaner colleagues today and he told me he still works in this factory as a cleaner. I was touched! — I left the factory a long time ago to work in a commercial bank.

There is no greater General than an educated man. An educated person is bigger than a Marshal— tell this to everyone, especially to aspiring young people.

Dave Digital - Much more than printing experience


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