In printing business so many things happen between owner and customers. The significant one is the urgency of service delivery.

Many customers want to have their jobs done as speedily as possible. They just believe they are dealing with computers hence the need to get their jobs done without delay.
The consequent is that such expectation can be a bit disappointing due to several factors.

Here are some of the factors:

1. Improper documentation
2. Jobs on ground
3. Electrical failures
4. Gadgets failures
5. Network disappointment
6. Use of foul language

For clearer understanding, the IMPROPER DOCUMENTATION is about the job to work on. Some of these jobs are not well organised in such a way that can help to speed up the work. Some handwriting are so bad to an extend it's literally difficult to decipher what the customer is trying to write.

Also, there are times they put the cart before the horse. What is supposed to come first end up either in the middle, at the end or not included at all.

So many customers always want their jobs to be done first irrespective of other people's work. Just like them, they are not conscious about other people's feelings. They just want to have their job as quickly as possible.

The third factor is ELECTRICAL FAILURES. We all know that electricity is an essential part in printing business. That's why it needs to be subsidized with personal generators. 

But there are cases where both power sources are not responding accordingly or are completely not functioning at that moment. 
Most customers are not patience to see reasons why their jobs are being delayed. All they want is just to have the job.

The fourth factor is the failure of THE WORKING MATERIALS. Either the computer, the printers, the camera, the photocopier, the lamination machine, the spiral binders or several other tools. 

If any of these tools that is needed is not functioning accordingly there's possibility of job's delay. And instead of some clients to show understanding, the reverse is usually the case.

The fifth factor is the NETWORK FAILURE
Many computer business centres understand the importance of having strong and effective internet connection. Several jobs are done on line. And without network there is hardly anything one can do.

But in the absence of network, some customers find it difficult to accept the situation especially when the job is very urgent and important.

The consequent of such situation is what usually leads to the sixth factor, which is, THE USE OF FOUL LANGUAGE.

Rather than showing some understanding some customers easily respond negatively. They heaps all kinds of indirect insults on the owners. And like the African saying goes: "dem nor dey buy insults for market, e dey everibodi mouth".

A carefully planned job can help to avoid all of these factors both from the customers and business owners.

As a business owner there is need to predict what can happen when things might not go right. Therefore you need to always prepare yourself ahead.

If what you need is not available to handle a job be quick to tell your customers. Or if works break down in the process, don't hesitate to apologize and plead for understanding. Remember the saying that "customer is always right!"

Then as a customer you should also play your cards well. You need to always prepare yourself in advance for the job you want to do. It's wrong to go to a business owner when you don't know what and how your job should be done. To be forewarned, they say, is to be forearm.

Dave Digital Prints - beyond printing experience


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