Everyone of us need FAVOUR one way or the other. Either in our homes, business places or offices, we sometime find ourselves in a situation where someone have to stand between the gap for us.

But sometimes it could be difficult to sail through. The offer might not just be there. Even when we openly make the request.

There are several factors that are responsible. One of these factors is OUR ATTITUDE. 

Most times our attitudes decide how far we can go in our relationship with people. If our attitudes radiates positive outlook, they will affect everything around us.

Study indicates that there are different ways you can attract favour based on your attitude. Here are five of the most commonest ones:

1. Courtesy
Respect for people is a force that easily attract you to people. When you show courtesy it create an aura of likeness between you and another person.

2. Smiles 
A friendly attitude is usually bore out of the way we look. And smile is the main thing.  Smiles goes a long way to heal wounds in the heart. Having a smiling face easily attract people to listen to us.

3. Words 
What we say to people in most cases, determine the kind of response we also receive. The Scriptures says there is power in the tongue. We can influence people to get favour base on what and how we speak.

4. Helping hands
"If you do good, good will follow you" is a common saying among African folks. People easily respond to help when they understand you are the kind of person who also have a helping hand.

5. Learning heart 
The attitude to be teachable is a powerful force of attraction. People who are not arrogant but always submissive easily get favour from other persons because they understand  that such people are willing to receive help.

Dave Digitals - Much more than printing


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