It's obvious that today many of us no longer use photo album to keep  important pictures. Phone has practically taken over.

Our phone has come as a useful alternative to our photo library. Less wonders that in every occasion or event people turn to their phone for snapping.

Though the development is very commendable but there are certain facts we are missing about using our phones only to keep pictures that are of important values to us.
Pictures, as you all know, is for memories and witnesses. For instance like naming ceremony, birthday, graduation, wedding, house warming, freedom or even burial. The important of remembering them at certain point in time is quite enormous.

Before the era of phone, photographers were always invited to do the jobs. Although they are still engaged today but phone snapping is more prevalent. We believe it is easier, more convenient and easily accessible to use our phone.

There are some dangers in keeping those important pictures only in our phones.
1. The phone could be stolen
2. It could get missing
3. It could get damaged
4. It could have virus and no longer function.

Some smart people among us can say well, I have got all my files saved in  Google Cloud and I can always retrieve them at anytime.
It's a nice job though. But the system also have its own challenges. One of these challenges is the ability to always remember your PASSWORD. Sometimes it's not easy to remember a password of say, 10 years ago, let alone, 20 years.

Therefore the act of printing out our pictures and keeping them safe in a family or personal album still remains the best bet. It might be a bit expensive considering the cost of printing today. But they can easily remind us of those events, places and people we meet now in several years to come.

Dave Digitals - beyond printing experience


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