Sometimes we need to be conscious of why we are here in this world. Everything in life is not about meat and wine. 

In this world we have good, bad and ugly events happening around us daily. And not everything make us happy. Some are actually here to give us pains and make us to cry.

They could come from people around us, our locations or daily natural occurrences. As long as we can not completely avoid them, we just need to be smart with them. We need to be extra sensitive and be guided by some hard truths.

Here are some of the truths we need to know:

1. Nobody can love you exactly like your mother.

2. A poor person has no friends.

3. People do not like good thoughts. They like good looks.

4. People respect the money; not the person.

5. The person you love the most, will hurt you the most.

6. Truth is simple, but the moment you try to explain it, it becomes difficult.

7. When you are happy, you enjoy the music, but when you are sad, you enjoy the lyrics.

8. Two things define you in life —your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.

9. People will not remember you for all the good things you’ve done, but they surely won’t forget the few bad things you’ve done.
Inspiration from Human mind readers.


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