How often many of us look down on what we do for living! 

We probably think the job did not befit our status, especially when it does not connect with our educational background or training. We just believe that many people who knows us won't take us serious.

 Very sad, isn't it? 

Butt that is not exactly the way things are in the world. Every legitimate business or work deserve to be respected. We are all cut out for different profession in life. It might not be what you have studied or already dreamt of doing. What matter exactly is doing something that can put food on your table and also help you to pursue your goals in life. 
If you are faced with the choice of managing a menial job for instant, consider the fact that there are millions of people out there who don't even have such opportunity. They may not be fully satisfied doing such job or business but they are however happy because they have a legitimate mean of living. 

What many people don't understand is that nobody can kill you for doing that job or business that you engages in. Some people might not be happy with you. Some might even stop being friendly. But that is their problem.
So take pride in whatever you are doing as long as it's honourable and legitimate. It may be small and dirty. But someday you will outgrown it and graduate into something greater and better.

Dave Digital Prints - beyond printing business.


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