Uncle Sam was finding it difficult to do one particular Internet job on his laptop. He decided to come over to our office. He said he has been working on it since the previous night without success.

I asked him to explain briefly what the problem was. And he did.

Then I told him to give me some few minutes to work on it.

The looks on his face was doubtful. I could read his mind. Because as a tech savvy he had been working on the job through the night, exploring all available options to solve the problem without getting good result.

But just to make him think positive, I told him the job will cost him some good money. Ordinarily, he won't have agree if the job wasn't so important to him. Well, without hesitation he agreed.

The moment I was done with the job in my hand, I opened his laptop and started work on it. I already knew about the problem based on his explanation, so I went straight to sort out the issue immediately.

Some few minutes later I was done successfully.

Uncle Sam's face was all full of smiles. He has got what he wanted. However, out of curiosity he wanted to know how I did it speedily. But I told him it took me several years and sweat, even pains, to know it. I said sometimes knowledge doesn't come cheap. You pay so much sacrifices to get it.

We had a friendly argument over it. At the end he agreed with me.

But guess what? Uncle Sam said he could not pay the price we both agreed on in the beginning. He said the job looks so cheap for that kind of money.


But I stood my ground. I told him that he is not paying me for the TIME but for the KNOWLEDGE. The period you spent on a job is not the issue. It is the knowledge you applied that counts. After all, if he has the knowledge, he won't be awake...and without success.

After a while Uncle Sam agreed and gave me the money.

The lesson here is this: it is not the time you spend to get good result, it is the knowledge you apply.

Therefore it's essential that we strive as much as we can to acquire knowledge that are relevant to us. And also to value the knowledge of other people in their various fields.

Dave Digitals - beyond printing experience


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