Both the Bible and the Holy Qu'ran encourages us to love other people as ourselves. Irrespective of their class, colour, religion, tribe or race, we need to extend fellowship with one another.

However, there are some certain people who can never accept our hands of friendship for good. In fact, if there is anything they can offer, they are pains and unhappiness. They will never do anything that will make you to be happy.
Here are the people and how to identify them

1. People who think they know everything. They see themselves as walking encyclopedias of every subject and believe that whatever you say is not right.

2. People who can never make mistakes. They never admits to any fault because they believe they are always right. No matter what, they can not be corrected.

3. Compulsory liars. These people will want you to believe whatever they say is true, whereas, everything is false. They have sugar-coated tongues to deceive, even if it's possible, the Angels.

4. People who always talks about themselves and never show interest about other people. Every time you are with them the subject is always about them, their latest achievement and their next projects.

5. People who are still living in the past. All their conversations is about their past glories; what they were and all that they have achieved. They are no longer attached to the present nor the future.

6. People who have stopped learning new things because they believe they have known everything. Nothing impress them anymore. They can never bring themselves under any teaching.

7. Racists, homophobes, tribalists or religion bigots. These people never see anything good in other people who are not from their clan. Every little argument they are ready to unleash terror on others. To them what matters is their interests and nothing more.

8. People who gossip and make fun of others behind their backs. These people are never trusted with information. They can go any length to destroy other people's reputation.

9. The bullies and terrorists. These people always claim superiority over other persons. Maybe because of their physique, connection or financial power, they believe everyone have to take orders from them.

If you want to stay happy you must learn to avoid these kind of people.

Dave Digitals - Much more than printing experience.


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