There are certain things you must stop worrying about if you really want to be happy with yourself. They are things you can not actually change or avoid in life even if you try to do your best.

According to Guila Simolo, a journalist and expert in psychology, if you dont stop worrying yourself about them you will probably not be able to move on with your life. Here are the things:

1. Getting Older
We’re all getting older and we can’t stop the aging process. Remember we are now into another year. We can smear on skincare products but that’s no guarantee that we won’t get wrinkly. We can stay fit but that doesn’t mean we won’t have health issues. All we can do is age and be grateful to be getting older because the alternative is lying in a grave. When you think of that, the wrinkles aren’t so bad, huh?

2. Past Regrets
A side effect of living is having regrets. You might have regrets over things you did or didn’t do. Whatever the case, it’s out of your control because you can’t go back in time to change what happened. But just think: if you changed one thing, it would probably have a ripple effect and change the great things in your life, which sucks. Learn from your regrets so you can change the future – that’s so much more powerful.

3. Other People’s Opinions
It’s not your job to worry about what other people think of you. No matter how great you are to everyone around you, not everyone is going to like you or think you’re amazing. That’s seriously out of your control. Trying to control what people think  about you can turn you into a people-pleaser who ruins your own life or someone who’s a clone of others. It’s so not worth it.

4. Five-Year Plans
While having plans for the future is great because it keeps you on track to achieving your goals, you can’t become too stressed about them because nothing’s set in stone and life can throw you some surprises. But that’s good because life could take you on a totally different path that’s actually better, so be open to it instead of freaking out about it.

5. Breakup Closure
When your last relationship ended, maybe you didn’t get the closure you wanted. This can be difficult because you might feel like you’re carrying unresolved issues into your future. But, you can’t control getting closure. You can’t force the person to sit down with you and discuss the relationship issues you encountered. But that’s not your problem. You can give yourself closure, such as by grieving fully and forgiving them and yourself.

6. Death
One of the scariest things is imagining that your loved ones will pass away one day. It’s terrifying and can make you anxious or stressed out. But, you can’t control when or how it happens to you or those you love. Staying up all night worrying about it won’t do you any good because you can never prepare for it until it actually happens. The only thing you can control is how you live RN.

7. That Things Change
Life never stays the same forever. That’s a fact! No matter how much you try to keep your friends together, you’re probably going to go your separate ways with some of them. No matter how much you love your job/relationship/situation RN, it won’t be around forever. Change is scary but it can also open you up to new opportunities and experiences.

8. Bad Traffic
You might stress a lot about your daily commute or getting stuck behind a line of cars on your way out with friends. But you can’t control what happens on the road, even if you can try to bypass accidents by being hooked up to traffic apps and news in your area. The best way to deal? Have some good podcasts handy or listen to feel-good music to shift your mood. Or, use the time to connect with your partner/friends/kids.

9. Crappy Weather
Another thing you can’t control is the weather. You might plan a birthday party outside only for a rainstorm to force everyone indoors. Or, you might dress for a hot day and step out into freezing weather. FFS. It’s such a waste of your energy to stress about it. Just go with it. That’s all you can do and, as cheesy as it sounds, try to dance in the rain sometimes, okay? Oh, and carry an umbrella.

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