"Oga, no receipt, I nor get the receipt with me".

That was an extract from the conversation between a guy and a police officer some days ago near our office. The guy was carrying a laptop and the officer wanted to see the receipt.

But he has none. According to him he bought the laptop from a friend...And the friend didn't give him any receipt.

Such incident is a common phenomenon in our society. Sometimes we don't see the value of getting receipt from our sellers. And many of our sellers don't really see the essence of giving receipt to customers. We just believe that once the item has been paid for, definitely that settle the matter.

It has been said over and over again that ignorance is not an excuse of the law. Anything that involves money or transactions there's absolutely a good reason to obtain proof of ownership. 

If the seller is ignorant of it, the buyer should not. For several reasons. 

For instance, something could be wrong with the product which may lead to argument. Two, law enforcement official may demand for proof of ownership. Three, the item can be stolen and then be found, and it need true identification.

As for the seller the value of insuring receipt is as important as the money paid for transaction. Over the years there are cases of buyers who returned products after they have been damaged, and the buyer claiming for refund. The absence of receipt usually makes things difficult.

These are some of the reasons why it is very necessary to have official receipt for your business transactions. 

As an entrepreneurs, a landowner, trader, school proprietor or proprietress, you can't afford not to give out receipt to your customers, irrespective of the money involved. It goes a long way in resolving issues that could probably lead to court action.

Dave Digitals - Much more than printing


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