Last Monday two young boys came to snap passport photograph in our office. They needed them for school documentation. They were asked to affix two passport each to the forms.

Ordinarily we don't print two passport copies except four. But we can consider merging two different image together as long as they are students, to reduce cost for them. 

I was about doing that when I jokingly asked if they would like to have four copies each. One of the student agreed but the other one said it wasn't necessary. I told him it was necessary based on the fact that he could still need the remaining ones anytime. 

The boy who needed four got his copies and the second boy who said it wasn't necessary got his two copies.

Only yesterday the student who asked for two copies came to snap another passport. Since his colleague didn't come with him he could not but go for four copies. There and then, I reminded him of our last conversation. He agreed that I was right, that it is always better to have more, than having less.

Sometimes we made some decision that may make us feel bad in the future. We are first and foremost concern about the present. Everything we do is just what will benefit us NOW. We don't care about tomorrow.

The argument here is based primarily on the economic factor. We just want to manage the little we have to take care of our immediate needs. The second reason is that some of what we want might not be our regular needs, hence there's no point of wasting our scarce resources to get them.

Though these two point are valid, there's however something still missing. When it comes to scale of preference, we must learn to have quick and better judgment in our decision. 

There's nothing wrong if you can afford to have more of a particular item which will be very useful to you in the future than to have less of it especially if they are things you can get without breaking the bank.

This is why some people easily go for wholesale purchase rather than buying things bit by bits. It helps in many ways. One, you get them cheaper. And two, it save you from the incessant price increase in the market.

According to some economic experts, you are always at peace when you can get more than less. The idea of running from pillars to posts is reduced. And it also give you the opportunity to conserve your financial resources well.

So the take home here is this: learn to spend wisely especially this festive period. If you can afford to buy in bulk without breaking the bank or without jeopardizing the interest of other needs, please do. If not, cut your wears according to your clothes.

Dave Digitals - beyond printing experience


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