In printing business there are opportunities of meeting different people in different professions. But what is a bit appalling is the attitude of some people in identifying with the nature of their works when you come across them.

I can tell you several scenarios here. But the recent one is really what triggered this write up. A handsome young dude came to type a quotation for laundry job. I personally attended to him. In the cause of our conversation he told me he was doing the typing for someone else. I took his word for it.

However some days later I met the same guy doing laundry job in an uncompleted building. Out of curiosity I jokingly asked if he can help me out with my laundry. He said he was helping his brother but will tell him to do it for me.

I promised that I will send someone to bring the clothes to him. 

But surprisingly when I engaged the person who will take the clothes down she told me point blank that the guy is the one doing the laundry by himself and not for somebody else. In fact he doesn't have any brother living with him. According to her "this is what he is always telling people, he never want anybody to know that such is the job he is doing".

There are several people who are living just like this. Fake identity perhaps!

They never tell people the exact business they are doing for a living, rather they claims something else that probably befit their status or background.

One thing they don't seem to know is that every job under the surface of this earth is honourable. Whether in science, or in arts, or in agriculture, or in entertainment, work is work. Everyone of us has been created to fit into any of these profession differently.

Whatever your hands find doing, do it with all your heart and be happy about it. If you are a bricklayers, mechanic, barber, trader or even as a streets sweeper, take proud in showing your logo

The man on suit as CEO or the politician with entourage are as important as you are. What you are doing has equal value as much as what they do too, for living.

Therefore never look down on your job just because of what people may feel about you. As long as it's paying your bill or putting food on your table you are on track.
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Dave Digitals - Much more than printing experience


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